
Nuddle Library

Reasonably Adjusted Vocational Education and Training Resource Package


DESCRIPTION (Click to View)

Nuddle are developed as ‘reasonably adjusted resources’.

‘Reasonable Adjustment’ is a term used in the VET sector to refer to any modification made to the learning or training environment to assist those with learning disability.

It aims to provide equal learning opportunities for all students, regardless of barriers to learning.

Nuddle resources were designed and developed with the following target student or trainee group in mind:
> Students or trainees with low literacy and numeracy skills;
> Students or trainees with learning disorders/learning disability;
> Students or trainees with intellectual disability;
> Students or trainees with low English speaking and writing skills;

Units Addressed (Click to View)

  • FSKDIG001 Use digital technology for short and basic workplace tasks
  • FSKDIG003 Use digital technology for routine and simple workplace tasks
  • FSKDIG003 Use digital technology for non-routine workplace tasks
  • FSKLRG004 Use short and simple strategies for work-related learning
  • FSKLRG008 Use simple strategies for work-related learning
  • FSKLRG0011 Use routine strategies for work-related learning
  • FSKNUM003 Use whole numbers and halves for work
  • FSKNUM004 Use basic and familiar metric measurements for work
  • FSKNUM007 Use simple data for work
  • FSKNUM008 Use whole numbers and simple fractions, decimals and percentages for work
  • FSKNUM009 Use familiar and simple metric measurements for work
  • FSKNUM014 Calculate with whole numbers and familiar fractions, decimals and percentages for work
  • FSKNUM015 Estimate, measure and calculate with routine metric measurements for work
  • FSKNUM017 Use familiar and routine maps and plans for work
  • FSKNUM018 Collect data and construct routine tables and graphs for work
  • FSKOCM001 Participate in highly familiar spoken exchanges