Sport and Recreation Cert I SIS10122 Unit Package

Sport and Recreation Cert I SIS10122

Unit-by-Unit Resource with PowerPoint Presentations and Mapping

DESCRIPTION (Click to View)


The Sport and Recreation Cert I (SIS10122) Unit Package contains all the core units and selected elective units required for this qualification. The list of the units can be viewed by clicking on the link 'Units Addressed'.

The Unit-by-Unit resources are developed to align exactly with the endorsed training package Units of Competencies.

The Passing Lane Unit-by-Unit resource packages come with two manuals:

Student/Trainee Manuals
Teacher/Trainer Manuals

Elements and Performance Criteria addressed individually in each manual with no clustering of content.

The Passing Lane Unit-by-Unit resources require no mapping.

For more detail on this vocational education and training resource package include some generic samples click on the 'PRODUCT INFO & SAMPLES' link on this product page.

All resources once purchased are DOWNLOADED from this website.

For more information see 'DOWNLOADED INFORMATION' under the 'ABOUT' tab on the home page.


The Passing Lane written materials licence allows schools, TAFEs and RTOs to use the materials without any restrictions as to the number of students, no restrictions as to the number of prints made of the materials and no restrictions on loading the materials on to secure networks or LMSs for unlimited student access.

The licence period is for 3 years and during this 3 year period if there are any changes to the framework codes or units, the materials are updated and provided to our customers for free. The licence renewal fee for an additional 3 years is a fraction of the original licence fee.

For more information see 'PRODUCT LICENCES' under the 'ABOUT' tab on the home page.

Units Addressed (Click to View)

  • BSBCMM211 Apply communication skills
  • BSBOPS101 Use business resources
  • BSBOPS203 Deliver a service to customers
  • BSBPEF101 Plan and prepare for work readiness
  • BSBPEF202 Plan and apply time management
  • HLTAID011 Provide First Aid
  • HLTWHS001 Participate in workplace health and safety
  • SISOFLD001 Assist in conducting recreation sessions
  • SISXFAM002 Process financial transactions
  • SISXPLD001 Provide hire equipment for activities